Plants properties of the custom biome
Define plant-type blocks on the ground.
Specifies the probability of spawning a plant at each [x, z] coordinate.
Valid range: 0 (never) to 1 (always)
Plant types
Specifies the comma-separated list of plant types.
NOTE: Each type MUST BE ENCLOSED in double quotes.
Floor types
Specifies the comma-separated list of blocks where plants will be spawned.
NOTE: Each type MUST BE ENCLOSED in double quotes.
Replace snow
By default, a plantain will be replaced by the snow layer. If this property is set to true, this won't happen and the plantain won't be replaced.
Sugar canes
Controls the density of sugar cane spawning next to water blocks. A value closer to 1 results in more sugar canes being spawned.
Valid range: 0 (never) to 1 (always)
Max height
Specifies the maximum height of a spawned sugar cane.
Valid range: 2 to 10
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