‼️Paper thread dump

Try to fix the paper thread dump warning.

Sometimes, you may encounter paper thread dumps. It is not an error but it seems like it.

The reasons behind this warning could be various, such as:

  1. Not performing hardware, maybe your CPU is not enough to run ParadiseLand

  2. The server is weighted by other plugins that slow down the chunk generation

  3. A real ParadiseLand issue

  4. Make your PC asleep

  5. Many other reasons...

Try to "fix"

This is not a fix but allows the server to perform tasks at a slower pace, reducing the frequency of alert spam.

This is aPaperissue and should not exist in Spigot.

So, open your paper.yml or in the latest versions /config/paper-global.yml configuration file and edit the setting watchdog.early-warning-every property from 5000 to a higher value like 120000.

  early-warning-delay: 10000
  early-warning-every: 5000 # <----- edit this

Last updated